The medical abortion pill method has some steps and includes two different medicines.
In medical abortion First, you’re taking a pill called mifepristone. This medicine stops the pregnancy from growing. Some people feel unwell or start bleeding after taking mifepristone, but it’s not common. Your doctor or nurse can also offer you antibiotics to require to stop infection.
The second medicine is named misoprostol. You’ll also take the misoprostol directly, or up to 48 hours after you’re taking the primary pill — your doctor or nurse will allow you to skills and when to require it. This medication causes hampering and bleeding to empty your womb.
For most people, the hampering and bleeding typically start 1-4 hours after taking the misoprostol. It’s normal to ascertain large blood clots (up to the dimensions of a lemon) or clumps of tissue when this is often happening. It’s pretty like having a very heavy, crampy period, and therefore the process is extremely almost like an early miscarriage. (If you don’t have any blood loss within 24 hours after taking the second drug, misoprostol, call your nurse or doctor.)
The hampering and blood loss can last for several hours. most people finish passing the pregnancy tissue in 4-5 hours, but it’s going to take longer. The hampering and bleeding reduce down after the pregnancy tissue comes out. you’ll have to hamper on and off for 1 or 2 more days.
You can take pain medicine like ibuprofen about a half-hour before you’re taking the second medicine, misoprostol, to assist with cramps. you’ll also take an anti-nausea drug if your doctor or nurse gives it to you. Don’t take aspirin, as it can cause you to bleed more.
It’s normal to have some bleeding and detection for several weeks after your abortion. you’ll use pads, tampons, or a menstrual cup — whatever’s the foremost comfortable for you. But your nurse or doctor may recommend you employ pads for the primary few days after the abortion so you’ll track what proportion you’re bleeding.
The last step may be a follow-up together with your doctor. you’ll return to the clinic for an ultrasound or biopsy. Or you’ll get a bioassay to require reception, followed by a call together with your nurse or doctor. These tests will confirm the abortion worked which you’re healthy.
In the unlikely case that the abortion doesn’t work and you are still pregnant, your doctor or nurse will discuss your options with you. you’ll need another dose of medication or possess an in-clinic procedure to finish the abortion.